Saturday, June 4, 2011

Teja and Tarun

A small storyline for and from my cuzzie.., the post follows as narrated by her.

May 8, 2011
It was early in the morning and a voice was screaming inside my head. I could barely hear the words as it was vague and distinct. Suddenly my mom spanked me and shouted into my ears “ eruma elundiru, time is 8 : 30. Already we are running late”. I was in a state of shock from the spanks so it took some amount of time for the words to register into my mind. Before that could happen, another spank. “athan I got up le, stop doing that early in the morning” I screamed at her. Dad stared at me and pointed me to the clock! It showed 8: 35. Still, it’s an early morning for a student who is on a holiday after the stressful HSC boards. I got up to my feet and did my routine, a bit faster as we had to go to temple today morning. After I returned from that mokka trip around 10, my dad said “go upstairs and see, someone is waiting for you”. As I walked up the stairs, many questions were running in my mind. “Who would it be? Would it be chinnu [shuba] or sruti or venki? Who would be waiting for ME???” I opened the door and found it to be empty. All my questions were answered – and the answer is NONE!!  Deserted even more by heart, I sat in my bed and as my eyes scanned the room, memories swung back to the day where I had the best time of 2010. My eyes stopped at a place. Beneath the tailoring machine, I found two kids. They were just born babies who kept crawling in search of their mom.  I ran down to home to enquire about it. Dad said “I saw its mom moving out thru the window around 5 am. Just leave it alone, its mother will come back and take care”. I said it has been about 5 hours and they seem to be restless. “Now what are you going to do for that”, asked mom. i left to kitchen without replying and took a bowl of milk,  small spoon. Searched my cupboard for a shoe-box and along with the food I went upstairs leaving them all behind to shout “its mom will take care. Don’t disturb it!! Listen to me”. I touched the one which was screeching. Think I scared it off, it started screeching in a high-pitch voice. The other one was also scared. I lifted them both gently in my hands and observed them closely. For a minute I thought it was a rat-kutti. Then I saw the 3 – STRIPS on their backs. IT WAS TWO anil KUTTIES. Their body was pinkish exposing the organs in their body. Too little to do anything, they were waiting for their mom who never returned. May be they had been cursed to survive in this world without their mom or may be they had been bestowd upon with a human mother. Good or bad is in the eyes of the spectator to decide. I took it on the +ve side.

Teja and Tarun

 I decided to be its mother to nurture it, to care for it. Firstly I never had any idea what they will feed on. As all new-born babies will take milk, I tried feeding them milk in drops with spoon. The ink-fillers won’t work. These are too small for that. Even before the 3rd drop, one fell asleep. The other on did the same. I used to feed them every half hour. Again I was in utter confusion - Where to keep them, how to protect them. Pushing them all away, i placed them in the box and to make sure they were comfy, I placed linen cloth.  None of them supported me for this action on the first day. As time could have it, the worst was to happen. Next day was my results..!! Too much anxiety.

Later on:
Two days passed and the kids were getting used to me. They know my finger and when they sense it, they ask for feed. Lovely they were. J Every time I see them do that, I put up a smile instantly. Finally after so many talks, everyone allowed me to have them with me. I took them wherever I went. My parents did not scold, instead, helped me in maintaining it. J Another plus point! We cousins met up after the results. All of us played it. I had a tough time saving it from chinnu’s sight. Chinnu is Divya’s dog. Sorry, her thambi: P. We decided to name the kids. The suggestions were:

Kriss, daisy
Dinky, donkey
Teja , tarun

Teja and his mom :P
As a final decision, its human mother named them as teja and tarun. I’m not sure if they were able to recognize the language but they were most comfortable in our hands than in the box. One thing worried me a lot. It has been a week and they have not yet opened their cutey cute eyes. They said it may never open at all… next day; I tried applying damp cloth on their eyes. They showed some improvement. Teja saw the world on day 8. The first one he saw was me! Of course, I’m his mother na. tarun, the younger of the two, took 13 days to open his eyes. They also grew big in size. When they were born, they were only the size of my little finger. Now they had grown to fit my palm. J the holidays never bored me as I had these kids to play with which became my favorite pastime. Some way or the other, I felt way 2 connected to them and they reciprocated the same. They were always active. The two brothers always engaged themselves in dueling. Their favorite pastime other than eating. Teja would always start the fight by biting tarun’s tail. No matter how much they fight, while sleeping, one was always on the top of other. They got their primitive characters, as a squirrel, they would nib at anything, almost anything. Their teeth were not exactly sharp but they tickled me on biting my fingers. I don’t know if I had made them feel at home but I could to make them comfortable in this world. I was still uncertain about their future. But it had a long way to go. By third week, they were hyper active. Started to leap great distances.  I would sit aside and admire them play with each other. Took infinite snaps of them. They ran over me as if I were the tree for them!! Hilarious were those times. They luv to be stroked. Often, teja would climb up my head while tarun will nibble at my nails asking me to stroke his head. Doing so, he will fall asleep.
5 may, 2011
This is just another day. A casual one for me but for them, it’s a BABY’S DAY OUT. Along with my frenz. Yeah, I took my kids with me :D they saw what a city mall looked like. They were forbidden to have any junk foods and so I made them stick only to grapes. Strictly.  Back to home by evening, they were done with the day out and its their sleep time. I was also equally exhausted and went to sleep only to wake up in the morning to see that one of them was missing. I searched for tarun and found him in my parent’s bedroom, near the door. He laid still on the ground. Did not move a limb. I called his name. I even shouted his name near his ears. He had gone deaf. It had been long since he last breathed. He was cold and stiff. I did not have the courage to look at him anymore. I banged my head against the wall and broke into tears. Violent tears. My brother, knowing how I would feel, carried tarun and took him away from my sight. I lost my kid. I was so careless that I did not even hear him scream in pain. They said none of them heard any sound in the night. But that did not convince me. I was found guilty. Anyone can forgive me but I can never forgive myself. NEVER.  They buried tarun in the garden and I dint even take a lost look at him. Damn I dint have the guts to look at a kid, who was always happy and hyper-active, to be laying dead. He had gained the luv and affection from every individual in my family. Right from my parents till my aunt and uncle. Everyone adored the pair. Now we have only one guy who would look up to us with two hands in air asking us to take him in our hands and stroke him.

Tarun - He has left the planet to pursue a new life leaving behind the sweet memories. The smell, the touch, the bite, the kiss – every action of his remains intact inside my brains. I may never see him grow into an adult but till my last breath, I’ll never forget to say sorry to my little tarun for being so careless. it’s too hard to swallow. Tarun had come in to my life just 28 days back and now he is no more?! You will be in our thoughts and deeds forever lil’ boy. You’re never over!!!

RIP hun….
Daresavio: the lil' kid tarun was with me only for 2 days yet left a big impact on me. Today she was to visit me home. I expected the kids too. Very tough to overcome the lose of your luvd one’s. even if it is a animal, you have the same hollow space in heart after their loss.

As one of my friend says: “Sometimes the people we've known for a short amount of time have the biggest impact on our lives, even more than those we've known forever”.


