Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Batch Day

Pre script: If yu are duck-bored, go ahead reading it.


Well, I’m back to talk about my BATCH DAY. I had immense fun in my 1st year. None of us can deny that!! 365 days passed away so quickly that we barely noticed we stepped into 2ndyear. My college is unlike other conventional colleges. What’s unique about my college? THE UNIFORM. Fed-up we were trying to convince our management but learned it was better than rummaging your wardrobe every morning to find something 2 wear for the day [yu must’ve not worn it in 7 days]..!!
My first BATCH DAY
It was yesterday, 7th September, 2010. Exactly 366 days ago from today, i stepped into my college as a fresher to pursue my studies and to discover this student phase. To my surprise there was no much noticeable change in college. Nah, we wear uniforms like scool students do! Every lecturer contributed their part in completing the syllabus. We, the students, as usual read at the neck of the moment. Mobile was not allowed, but only 4 a month we followed. :P the big difference I felt was the people. There were people from all around the state and 6 north-Indians in my class. Different Cuz their way of approach towards everything differed from that of mine. Literally. That will reason the things I learned for life in my 1st year. Right from the attitude to their way of studying, everything differed.

Things to cherish in my first year:

  •  Pleading our seniors to show us what ragging means and they run away seeing us !!
  •  The short-lived CR post. [naane poiraajinamapaniten :P ]
  •  Canteen [well, I’m still searching d location in my campus]
  •  My parents brought me a new bike and I named it TAZ J[black access 125]
  •  Went to theatre with uniform bunking college
  •  Made a bad impression wit Mr.karthick.
  •  Passing msgs during class in a bit of paper.
  •  Buttered faculty for the internals
  •  Got a good mark when most of the class had flunk
  •  During the Continuous assessment test, wrote the whole answer sheet and brot two papers home without submitting
  •  Burnt a hole in my wallet spending for the treat
  •  Tried all the items that were on menu in “rich ‘n’ creamy’
  •  Got caught by the station master for travelling without ticket. [Believe me, I purchased them. asked the guy at d countr4 a return pass n he gave me. Only when d station-master said it’s a single pass ticket, I knew the difference]
  •  Paid a heavy fine of Rs.550 4 d same.
  •  Being a day scholar crept in to the hostel and celebrated my bestie’s b’day at mid-night.
  •  Played cards the whole night
  •  Had a nite study up to 4 am for the exam
  •  Wrote 3 apology letters!! [Apology letter no.1 nu vera heading koduthen]
  •  Had the best time with hostellites, being a day scholar.
  •  drank red-bull on my birthday
  •  Mr.Albert raj always thought us [dhanu,jutti, DP] to be wery gud students though playful
  •  Lost hall-ticket
  •  Lost ID card
  •  Lost the record on the day of the exam. [thanx to Mr.Karthick, if not for him, sure fail]
  •  My taz got hurt badly.
  •  Got A grade in an univ exam which I said I will flunk
The above said points are a note of remembrance for thee. Just a year back, those 29 people were complete strangers to me. Now, they are my frenz! As a class, we faced many problems, but we never failed to exhibit out unity. Our super seniors said “unity na ipadiirukanumda” . antha aluvuku naanga scene pottom :P . our management said “NO CELEBRATIONS FOR BATCH DAY, don’t make a fuss around”. Inspite of this, we decided to celebrate. So our celebration was illegal and that made the day even more fun to celebrate. The guys brought a Fresh-cream Black forest and cans of coke at our lunch break. Every one of us were made to cut the cake and had good fun. Many timing-comedy took place which when i put out in words now will seem olny as a mokka to yu.

Finally, we posed for a picture. But one of us interrupted. That was me! One of our friends was suffering from severe fever and was bed-ridden for days. For this reason I asked them to postpone the celebrations. But 1G said “its ok” and so we celebrated it yesterday. Still, 32 of us posing for a pic did not make me feel happy and if 1G sees the snap she too will feel bad. So we decided to wait for our strength to become 33 i.e. for 1G to join us and the pic was not clicked...

I hope this unity stays the same till the end. These guys remind me of this line:


How true J


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